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Monday, August 10, 2009
Petikan dari Filem Gubra....
" The lamps are different, but the light is the same.... "
Life is like driving. Your unseen destination is your future. What you see in front is your present and occasionally you look back at your past through the mirrors to be safe.
chevy`s - thanks..mmg btl..no matter we do,we must look back jg supaya tidak trkena lg...n about explain about myself for anyone.. erm...xde niat pun nak jaja..bl kita dlm keadaan amat2 trtekan/sedih..ngn sendirinya akan trkeluar jg..
Life is like driving. Your unseen destination is your future. What you see in front is your present and occasionally you look back at your past through the mirrors to be safe.
Never explain yourself to anyone, because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who dislike you won't believe it
chevy`s - thanks..mmg btl..no matter we do,we must look back jg supaya tidak trkena lg...n about explain about myself for anyone..
erm...xde niat pun nak jaja..bl kita dlm keadaan amat2 trtekan/sedih..ngn sendirinya akan trkeluar jg..
trpulanglh pd mereka nk trima/x..klau xleh trima,xperlu baca my blog...
i love this quote ;)
ira - me too.. ;)
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